Connecting the Community through innovative Projects

Through our work, we strive to create a more vibrant and interconnected community, one where people from all walks of life feel seen, heard, and valued. We believe that nobody should be left on the sidelines, and that everyone has something unique and valuable to contribute to the world. By fostering an environment of inclusivity, we hope to create a brighter future for all, one where innovation and collaboration are the guiding principles that drive us forward.

  • Peace building and Alternative conflict resolution services.
  • Mentoring and capacity building for women and youth on peace
  • Women political participation advocacy and lobbying
  • Democracy and inclusive governance advocacy and sensitization
  • Civic education to the populace at the grassroots.
  • Budget tracking and advocacy on service delivery
  • Contingency planning and capacity building for women and youth to response to emergencies.
  • Early warning sign and Early Response to conflict prevention for women and youth;
  • Provision of relief assistance (NFIs &FIs) to victims of emergencies;
  • Provision of water, sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) to vulnerable communities;
  • Implementation of development Programs for post disaster reconstruction
  • Awareness Creation/Sensitization on dangers of child abuse and neglect,
  • Collaborate with other Actors to Advocate for the passage of Child Rights Act (CRA),
  • Provision of Assistance to Orphans and Vulnerable Children,
  • Campaign against child harmful traditional practices.
  • Awareness creation on the importance of child education
  • Provision of entrepreneurship training for women and youth;
  • Micro-credit facilities for business start-ups for women and youth,
  • Provision of specific trade to survivors of GBV to enhance their economic status,
  • Awareness creation on Basic Health,
  • Health Outreach/Screening (malnutrition, malaria, BP, eyes, dental, etc.)
  • Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) promotion
  • Development and rehabilitation of school infrastructures;
  • Provision of Adult Literacy for women and youth in need;
  • Provision of education materials, fees and uniforms for Orphans and vulnerable children
  • Promotion of sustainable agriculture practices for women;
  • Accessing and provision of agricultural supplies and inputs for women;
  • Collaboration on capacity building for female farmers,
  • Climate smart agriculture practices and partnerships with institutions;
  • Environmental sustainability and climate change programs for women.
  • Provide psycho-social counseling for distressed persons.
  • Trauma healing exercises for female IDPs.
  • Reduction of Gender Based Violence and Harmful Traditional Practices,
  • Family Planning (Child Spacing)
  • Adequate Nutrition for Mother and Child
  • HIV/AIDS prevention


  • Collaborate with CSOs, CBOs, FBOs and NGOs and networking when need arises.
  • Collaborate with Ministries, Departments and Agencies on areas of intervention based on their mandates
  • Collaborate with Institutions of Justices and security when need arises


Our Achievements

Victims Support Fund (VSF)

We Empowered 300 households with 4 goats each to rear and enhance their economic status in 5 wards of Maiha LGA namely Humbuktudi, Majekin, Tambajam, Maiha-Gari and Sarou ‘B’.

Danish Refugee Council (DRC)

We built capacity of 493 women and youth to participate in decision making, local peace building initiatives and conflict management in their communities in  Gombi LGA. 


ACOMIN Advocacy Project

We raised awareness about free malaria commodities in designated health facilities, reaching 1,080 and 772 individuals in Demsa and Ganye LGA communities respectively between 2019 to 2021.  


Advocacy Visits To Stakeholders

By embarking on advocacy visits to key stakeholders in intervention communities, we forged critical alliances, securing vital support, fostering seamless project execution,  and  transformative initiatives.

ShaffaTilijo Awareness Programs

We Empowered 127 change-makers, a transformative GBV awareness initiatives which equips them with training and capacity building to bravely combat gender-based violence. 

CAMP IDPs Supports Programs

St. Theresa and Malkohi IDP Camps received philanthropic support, facilitating children’s education, promoting health awareness, and income empowerment to women and young girls

16 Days of Activism Collaborations

Through collaborations with women-led organizations, we actively participated in 16 days of activism, raised awareness and stood united against GBV in Demsa and Mayo-Belwa LGAs.

Workshops and Seminars

CEPFoWY empowers women and youth through workshops, boosting their skills in diverse initiatives.  Our staff passionately attends seminars, enhancing their abilities for greater impacts.

Our principles & Values

  • CEPFoWY shall operate under the following principles and values:
    International humanitarian principles;
  • Will express genuine concern, compassion and empathy for humanity through our work, with attention to women, girls and Children.
  • Equitable partnerships and collaborations with government, people and communities.
  • Respect for persons, irrespective of age, gender, race, culture, religion, and marital status;
  • Shall utilize the potentials of women, youth and children to provide equal opportunity.
  • Enable partners to build sustainable community structures and institutions, for information sharing, civil engagements, and participatory development.
  • That all resources, opportunities, and advantages at our disposal are gifts, which must be managed responsibly and accountably to our beneficiaries and donors.

About Us

Empowering women and youth skills development, preventing violence against women, promoting peace, and sharing important health information.


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